5 FREE Web Site Building Tools!

by Aryeh Powers
Two posts ago, I wrote about the opportunity of today’s entrepreneur to create his or her own Web site, using one of the various Web site builders that are currently available (click here to read the post). I wanted to follow up and give you folk,s who are considering making your own Web site, some more FREE tools to work with.
Bubbl.us: This Web site is a great resource for anyone planning a more comprehensive Web site with many pages and/ or subcategories. Bubbl.us offers a more visual platform with which to plan the structure of your Web site. It’s not so much a wire frame building tool as much as it is a Web site outline builder. Check it out for yourself, to see what I’m talking about.
Findicons: Find Icons offers free icons to use on your Web site. This is great if you want to keep the cost of graphics for your Web site low.
Wufoo: Once you’ve created your Web site, you’ll probably want to customize a contact form that will look cool and original. This is where Wufoo comes in. Wufoo gives their users the ability to create their own contact form to use on their Web site (check out the site to see how to take the code from their site and put it on your own… it’s really simple).
Xml-sitemaps: OK, so you have a working Web site, but want to do a little extra search engine optimization (SEO) for your Web site. This Web site’s offering is a bit more complicated to use, if you’re not a techy. However, with a little HTML skill and FTP knowledge, you can really give an important boost to your Web site’s search engine ranking, with this FREE site map builder. Again, the only thing to consider is that you will have to learn how to install the sitemaps to your site, which might be a bit of extra work for you… sorry.
Opensiteexplorer.com: After you’re done with the design and structure of your Web site and want to see how your Web site is ranking on search engines, where you are on the Internet and where to invest your SEO efforts, you should have a look on FREE Web site’s like Opensiteexplorer to see how your ranking. There are a number of Web site’s and plugins that offer similar tools to see how you’re ranking. I happen to like the opensiteexplorer, since I feel it is comprehensive and functions as a one stop shop for what I’m looking for. Check it out!
There are a lot more free Internet tools out there for your Web site building needs, but these should keep you busy while you start building your Web site. Enjoy!
Tags: contact form, SEO, sitemap, Web site, Web site building<<Content Is King, But Your User Interface Can Be Just As Important What Makes A Startup, A Successful Startup?>>