Self Promotion: Cool Or Not Cool?

by Aryeh Powers

I recently put a plug for Anticipate Marketing on my personal Facebook. I was asking my friends to like the Anticipate Marketing fan page, and to spread the word about what I do. Before posting my update, I did stop and think about whether it would be uncool to try and promote myself on my personal pages; but it was only a short hesitation.


[Photo courtesy of]

The reason for my hesitation was that I didn’t want my brand to be associated with other brands and services that are STRICTLY self promoted and have virtually no presence outside of their own personal and social networks. I believe that there is tipping point or line between cool and uncool self promotion. Let me explain.

Not only is it OK to love what you do, but rather, it is so crucial to take pride in your achievements at work. That being said, you need to know how much of that inner pride and enthusiasm your friends and social circles can handle.

The best way to guage whether or not you’re self-promoting you or your business too much, is to measure the amount of status updates that relate to either yourself or your brand vs. the amount of updates that are links, pictures or external resources that do not directly relate to you. People want to read about what you’re up too and that’s why they’ve subscribed to your updates and/ or posts. They just don’t expect you to ONLY talk about yourself or your business.

As long as you’re switching up your talking points consistently AND offering your subscribers useful information that they can use to make better or more educated decisions, then it’s totally cool to occasionally put in a self promotion or talk about what you’re offering and how it could benefit your subscribers or people that they know.

The most effective method of self promotion is to demonstrate to your readers and subscribers that the reason for your posts are their entertainment or education IN ADDITION to your desire to share and express your personal thoughts, achievements and product or service offerings with them.

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